Our 2022 Presenters

Who Will You Meet at AMS 2022?

We have brought together an amazing global community of mindfulness leaders.

Mindful Sound Explorer
Award-Winning composer, producer and international artist Joshua Sam Miller is on a mission to bridge mental wellness with environmental action. He is driven by passion and purpose to create a healthier, happier and more sustainable world and believes that one way to achieve this is through artistic expression and building connection to nature.
Artist, Tutor, Mindfulness Teacher / Trainer & Mentor
Clare Barton-Harvey is an artist, tutor, teacher/trainer and mentor. She has been practising mindfulness meditation for over 28 years and offering art and mindfulness courses, workshops and retreats for over 18 years. She is fascinated by the relationship of art and mindfulness and how each enhances the other and can lead to a more enriched experience of the present moment and give us access to our innate creativity, wisdom and compassion. She lives and works in London and offers drawing and mindfulness courses workshops and retreats in person and online.
Chief Experience Officer & Mindfulness Meditation Teacher
As the Chief Experience Officer for a 20 acre forest sanctuary, Suzanne's leaning into the ways that mindfulness + nature = the key to human resilience. A certified mindfulness meditation teacher, start-up coach and former global TV executive, this novel programming is touching young leaders from Babson College, Miami Dade College and Nova Southeastern College.
Counsellor, Mindfulness Teacher and Academic
Jenny is a therapist and mindfulness teacher, academic and speaker, with 20 years experience working in the helping professions. Jenny has a background in film, media and cultural studies and has developed methods in film therapy.
Mindfulness Educator
Theresa Meikle is a mindfulness educator with extensive experience in educational contexts: primarily working with adults and secondary students. She has supported teachers and administrators in the development of compassionate classrooms and inclusive learning spaces. Her work as a Vice-Principal, instructional / assessment coach and classroom teacher has provided her with many opportunities to learn and practice community building and inclusive learning spaces.
Facilitator and Mindfulness Educator
Ken Burgess MD CCFP FCFP - Ken is a family physician, Assistant Clinical Professor at McMaster University where he is a Co-Chair of the Discovering Resilience Leadership Team. Ken serves on the Mindfulness Hamilton Core Committee
Facilitator and Mindfulness Educator
Sean Park PhD - Sean is an Assistant Professor at McMaster University where he inspires business, engineering, and health science students to design and create new futures with empathy, creativity, insight, and foresight.
Professor and Coordinator of the MBTL Graduate Certificate
I have studied and practice mindfulness for the past 45 years, including in Sri Lanka, India (with Tibetan Refugees), Canada, and the USA. As a full professor and coordinator of the MBTL graduate certificate at the University of the Fraser Valley, I am grateful to have helped to establish the first for-credit graduate program in mindfulness-based teaching and learning in Canada and one of the first in North America. In addition, I am fully certified as an MBSR teacher and mentor and also teach MBCT. I have just finished co-authoring a book with Dr. Patricia Rockman on Mindfulness-Based Teaching and Learning: An Emerging Trans-Professional Practice, due to be released by Routledge in the Winter of 2023.
Psychotherapist, Mindfulness Teacher, Author
Mare Chapman, M.A. is a psychotherapist, mindfulness teacher, and author in Madison, Wisconsin. With 40 years of clinical experience and 30 years practicing mindfulness, she's devoted to helping women apply mindfulness to transform the internalized oppression of patriarchal gender conditioning in order to gain the confidence to live their lives fully empowered.
Mindfulness Teacher & Executive Coach
Tim Segaller is a Mindfulness Teacher, Author and Coach who helps people in many settings to connect with their natural energy, courage and inspiration to thrive in life and work. He works with leaders and teams in social purpose organisations, and people in the community. He loves to bring these two groups together to learn extraordinary things from each other, and to learn how to spread the transformative benefits of mindfulness deep into the heart of the community.
Author, Clinical Psychologist, and Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) teacher
Shari Geller, Ph.D., C. Psych., is an author, teacher and clinical psychologist, Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) teacher, and co-director of the Centre for MindBody Health (CMBH) in Toronto, Canada. Shari offers training modules in therapeutic presence internationally as part of a longer-term vision of having therapeutic presence be a foundational training across psychotherapy approaches. Her publications include her recent book: A Practical Guide for Cultivating Therapeutic Presence, and Therapeutic Presence: A Mindful Approach to Effective Therapy co-authored with Dr. Leslie Greenberg.
Trained Mindful Self Compassion Teacher, Master in Counselling Psychology candidate, Digital Transformation leader.
Aracelys is a Mindful Self Compassion Teacher and a Master in Counselling Psychology candidate. Aracelys helps professional women struggling with stress to replenish their inner resources by cultivating a mindful self-compassion practice. Aracelys is based in Toronto, Ontario. You can speak to Aracelys both in English and Spanish.
Associate Professor, Contemplative Praxis in Education
Wayne has been an elementary teacher and literacies education professor for almost four decades. His current work, as a professor in contemplative praxis in education, integrates sustainable compassion cultivation practices with counter-oppressive pedagogies and transdisciplinary curricula that expose structural and systemic forms of oppression and domination, invite and evoke healing, and reimagine more just and caring (loving and compassionate) education within diverse and deeply relational cultures and communities.
Adjunct Faculty, Philosophy
Natalie Thomas has a PhD in Philosophy and has been teaching in areas of applied ethics for many years, as well as writing and developing courses in Environmental Philosophy and Ethics. In addition to this, she is currently training to become a licensed psychotherapist, and has completed one (and is currently finishing another) certificate in Mindfulness Meditation through the University of Toronto. One of her current research interests is finding ways to combine these areas of study and expertise to create a mindful approach to working with climate anxiety and climate grief.
Psychotherapist, Canoe paddler, Mindfulness Practitioner
Laurie is a family doctor with a focused practice in mental health care, mindfulness practices and health promotion. She is hoping to share how learning about first nations knowledge for living a good life can support mindfulness, compassion and mental wellbeing.
Developmental Pediatrician, Author and Mindfulness Teacher
Dr. Bertin is a developmental paediatrician and author of How Children Thrive and Mindful Parenting for ADHD and Mindfulness and Self-Compassion for Teen ADHD, which integrate mindfulness into paediatric care, and a contributing author for Teaching Mindfulness Skills to Kids and Teens.
Dr. Allen Steverman MD, CCFP is a physician with a focused practice in chronic pain and delivers several programs per year in Mindfulness-Based Chronic Pain Management (MBCPM) in both French and English in Quebec, Canada.
Mindfulness Teacher, GP Psychotherpist, Associate Professor
Dr. Jackie Gardner-Nix had a focused practice in Chronic Pain Management at St Michael’s Hospital and Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre until 2015 when she retired from clinical practice.
Megan Stanley is a social worker, educator, and organizer whose work is shaped by Black, queer feminism and emergent strategy. She received her Master's in Social Work from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with a focus on Community, Management, and Policy Practice.
Principal CEO & Consultant of HEAL
QuiAnne’ Holmes, M.Ed., is a Black woman who strives to provide participants opportunities to learn about the interconnectivity of wellness in their lives through educational workshops, delivering experiential programs within broad areas of community engagement, leadership development, cultural competency, social action, and marketing; focused on practicing self-compassion, agency, and liberation.
Facilitator Of Mindfulness Instruction
Ashley Baer is currently the Facilitator of Mindfulness Instruction in the Forsyth County School System, in Cumming, Georgia where she teaches mindfulness across the school district to students of all ages. She has been an educator for almost two decades teaching Special Education.
University Professor / Researcher
Dr Yuk-Lin Renita Wong’s scholarship and teaching aim at deconstructing the power relations in the knowledge production and discursive practices of social work; as well as re-centering marginalized voices and ways of knowing and being.
University Professor / Researcher
Dr Karen Robert has been teaching Latin American and World History to undergraduates for over twenty-five years and has been practicing yoga and mindfulness for well over a decade.
University Professor / Researcher
Dr Leslie Jeffrey has been a professor for political science at the University of New Brunswick in Saint John for the last 20 years. Her teaching has focussed on global social justice issues including North/South relations; global food politics, human rights, and gender politics. Her research has been on Canadian and international sex-work policy.
University Professor / Researcher
Dr Aga Palalas has been teaching distance/online education to graduate students since 2012. As an academic and researcher, supported by her 18-year-long mindfulness practice, Aga has been serving her students and her international community of practice as a facilitator, leader, and mindfulness guide.
Psychologist, Author, Father
Dr. Christopher Willard, (Psy. D.) is a clinical psychologist, author and consultant based in Massachusetts. He has been invited to more than two dozen countries to speak, and has presented at two TEDx events. He is the author of twenty books, including Alphabreaths (2019), Growing Up Mindful (2016) and How we Grow Through What we Go Through. (2022) His thoughts on mental health have been featured in The New York Times, The Washington Post, mindful.org, cnn.com, and elsewhere. He teaches at Harvard Medical School.
Turtle Mountain Chippewa Clinical Psychologist & Mindfulness Facilitator
Dr. Renda Dionne Madrigal is a Turtle Mountain Chippewa Clinical Psychologist & Mindfulness Facilitator. She has been recognized by Mindful Magazine as one of the Powerful Woman of Mindfulness 2022.
Director of The Mindfulness Initiative
Jamie Bristow is the Director of the Mindfulness Initiative. His work on mindfulness and climate change has been featured at the United Nations and he has been instrumental in bringing mindfulness into the political mainstream and governments around the world.
Mindful Yoga Teacher, Mindfulness Teacher
Heidi Bornstein, founder of Mindfulness Everyday, is the co-creator of The Mindful Edge® – Stress Reduction and Life Strategies for Teens program in high schools & Director for SMART (Stress Management & Resiliency Techniques) for Educators & Helping Professionals. She is on the steering committee for Mindfulness Toronto and Discover Mindfulness, supporting yoga & meditation in Toronto since 2002.
SMART Facilitator / Associate Mindfulness Facilitator / Hatha Yoga Teacher Mindfulness Everyday
Natalia Fister is a retired high school teacher, with extensive yoga training. She is the creator of grade 11/IDC3O “Mindful Yoga and the Art of Happiness” course and a grade 12/IDC4U “Mindful Yoga and the Philosophy of Wellness” courses, and the Mindful Yoga Teacher Training (MYTT), a one-year dual certification program in Mindful Yoga and SMART for Educators and Helping Professionals.
Barry Boyce is founding editor of Mindful, a print and digital magazine focusing on applying mindfulness to everyday life and a mindfulness practitioner and teacher for more than 40 years. He is editor of The Mindfulness Revolution; coauthor of The Rules of Victory, a commentary on Sun Tzu’s Art of War; and development editor for U.S. Congressman Tim Ryan’s book A Mindful Nation.
Indigenous Studies and English Teacher, Rebel Breath and Breathing Room
Dani Harris is an Indigenous Studies and English teacher who has taught at-risk youth for nearly 20 years, bringing breath-based resilience practices to hundreds of educators and students in Toronto, the United States, and the UK. She co-founded Rebel Breath, a breath-based trauma-informed program dedicated to ensuring that everyone has access to frontline resilience-building practices.
Co-Host & Design Strategist
Jay is the Design Strategy Lead at Mindful Society Global Institute. He has served as the Design Thinking Chair for A Mindful Society for over 7 years. He is an award-winning experience designer and researcher who guides teams through a human-centered approach to creating meaningful products, systems, and services.
Co-Host & Founder
Michael Apollo is the Founder of Mindful Society Global Institute and A Mindful Society. His work in organizations, academia, and building award winning technologies has introduced millions of people worldwide to the research and practice of mindfulness.
Co-Host & Chief Curator
Michele Milan is the Chief Curator at Mindful Society Global Institute. She has spent 20 years in leadership development designing and delivering leadership and governance programs for governments, corporations and organizations around the world.
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