Theo Koffler

Theo Koffler
Founder Mindfulness Without Borders, Author and Mindfulness Educator

Author, public speaker and teacher of mindfulness, Theo is the founder of Mindfulness Without Borders, a registered non-profit and leading provider of evidence-based programs on social-emotional intelligence and secular mindfulness to youth, educators, health and corporate professionals. Founded in 2007, Theo is dedicated to seeding questions to inspire creative dialogue, culminating with her first publication, RETHINK Mindful Conversation Starters. In 2015, The Huffington Post recognized Mindfulness Without Borders as an organization that is providing meaningful and innovative solutions that will shape the next decade.  Theo has served on several boards and advisory committees including The Hawn Foundation, A Mindful Society, Therapeutic Riding for the Disabled, and the Garrison Institute – where she co-authored the first-ever mapping report on Contemplation and Education in K-12 Educational Settings in the United States.