Dekyi-Lee Oldershaw is the co-director and faculty of the Applied Mindfulness Meditation Certificate Program at the University of Toronto. Dekyi-Lee developed the Transformative Mindfulness Methods protocol for inquiry and intervention and for 20 years has been training practitioners internationally. She was invited by the University of Florence, Neurology, Psychiatry and Pharmacology Departments to train professionals in their Masters Program in Mindfulness and Meditation: Neurological and Clinical Application for Healthcare Professionals. A former national level athlete, educator then Tibetan Buddhist nun for seven years at Chenrezig Institute in Australia, she is a registered Buddhist teacher with the FPMT. She is a former director of The Centre for Compassion & Wisdom in Burlington, Canada which offers programs in secular ethics, meditation and universal education programs that help anyone to become kinder and wiser. She is an author and international trainer in 16 Guidelines for Life – a secular ethics program now in 23 countries and 6 languages.
Dekyi-Lee Oldershaw
Wisdom Traditions & Contemplative Practice