Contemplative Mind in Society

Contemplative Mind in Society

The Center for Contemplative Mind in Society is a global community of contemplative practitioners whose goal is the ongoing development of racial, social, economic, and environmental justice and the advancement of human flourishing.

Contemplative Practice

There are many ways towards the realization of our inextricable connection to each other — so that we may act to ensure our mutual well-being and collective flourishing! Here are some of our favourite resources for getting started with practice.

The Tree of Contemplative Practices

Looking for more ideas about what “a practice” can mean? The Tree is here to help!

Guided Practices

Easy-to-reference recordings, ranging from just a few minutes long, to an hour or more

Practice Webinars

Explore and experience various contemplative exercises


Immerse yourself in our online retreats, from 3 hours up to a full day

Contemplative Activism & Action

We aim to build an actively antiracist society that uses contemplative practices to continuously recognize and reshape oppressive ways of thinking, relating, educating, and community building. Here are some of our favourite resources that share this goal!

The Activist’s Ally

A 119-page .pdf of tools for sustaining activism & promoting resilience

First issue of the ICEA Journal

A special issue on Social Justice, Inner Work & Contemplative Practice

Contemplative Organization Toolbox

To foster contemplative practices within organizations

Contemplative Higher Education

For those involved in academia: the Association for Contemplative Mind in Higher Education (ACMHE) is your source for community and resources on contemplative teaching and learning. The ACMHE is our largest program, connecting over 800 members worldwide.

ACMHE Webinars

Monthly presentations on contemplative education

Summer Session

Our annual intensive contemplative education workshop

Community Building Toolkit

To foster contemplative community on campus

Explore the ACMHE Website

Learn more & join ACMHE here