Centre for Mindfulness Studies

Centre for Mindfulness Studies

The Centre for Mindfulness Studies is a charitable social enterprise founded in 2011 in downtown Toronto. It is the leading professional development and service delivery organization for mindfulness-based interventions in Canada. We’re expanding our offerings online and in new locations.

We provide mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), mindful self-compassion (MSC) and specialized mindfulness training to the general public, healthcare providers, and social service professionals.

As a mental health charity, we help those who face economic and social barriers by providing affordable and effective mindfulness-based mental health services through our Community Program.

The Centre for Mindfulness Studies is committed to making mindfulness-based mental health services available to everyone. This is at the heart of the work we do.

Download our brochure here and read our Impact Report here.