Anne Dunnett

Anne Dunnett
Haiku Poet, Everyday Haiku

Anne’s haiku poetry has won honourable mentions and has been critiqued and reviewed by some of the best – and best known – haiku poets in Canada and the United States. Some of her haiku has been self-published and some has been featured in haiku anthologies, including Erotic Haiku. Her haiku poems have twice won honourable mention at Vancouver’s Cherry Blossom Festival.

Haiku Poetry for Mindfulness
Saturday, May 2, 2020 — 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM

Walk with me in my world of Everyday Haiku. Experience relief
from daily stress and find out how haiku can help you slow down, be more present and give you more peaceful and joy-filled moments. I will share
how I have become more present, more mindful and less stressed from
learning, writing and creating through the healing benefits of haiku poetry. Haiku is a beautiful form of poetry that can help you to be mindful and connect with nature that is healing and nurturing. In this introductory workshop participants will learn about haiku and how they can use it as a creative tool to be more mindful in their everyday lives. They will gain awareness and presence through self-discovery by following the philosophy that haiku is based on which is being in the moment.

Participants will come away with:

  • A sense of self expression
  • Gained awareness of the senses that connects them to nature
  • Peace and an open heart

There will be writing required during the workshop. Please come prepared with a pen and paper/journal.